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Published on 21/02/23

CamMUN 2022 Conference update by Ela, Arisha, Saho, Archie and Vicky (CamMUN 2022 Secretariat).

On 2 December 2022, the 5th annual CamMUN conference - the first in-person conference in 2 years - was held. The conference took place over three days and saw an astonishing 28 different nationalities from all over the globe travel to Cambridge to attend the conference, and discuss pressing global issues such as food insecurity, the impact of Roe v Wade, and the protection of rights of all gender identities. We welcomed our speaker, Tugba Basaran, Director of the Centre for the Study of Global Human Movement at the University of Cambridge, who gave an insightful speech about the nature of movement and the unfortunate, unjust difference between ‘wanted’ tourists and ‘unwanted’ immigrants.

We, the CamMUN 2022 Secretariat: Ela K (Secretary General), Arisha S (Head of Academics), Saho T (Head of Delegate Services), Archanaa B (Head of Finance), Vicky M (Head of Marketing), and Rai B (Head of Logistics), wished for this year’s conference to be an inclusive, diverse opportunity for delegates of various nationalities and backgrounds to engage in highly intellectually stimulating debate, as well as to encourage global-mindedness and critical thinking. It was our great pleasure to welcome delegates and chairs of many different experience levels, and have students from outside Europe, including the United Arab Emirates, Mexico, Singapore and Sri Lanka, attend our conference.

As we wanted to focus not on what divides us, instead focus on what unites us, we decided this year's theme would be ‘Striving for Harmony and Solidarity in an Unpredictable World’. We were glad to see our theme and its goals manifest in the delegates' resilience, effort, and flexibility to reach resolutions and peaceful solutions, achieved through open discourse and meaningful engagement. As a unique element for this year's conference, we included the Historical International Court of Justice (HICJ) committee, where students discussed the topic of People vs Louis XVI.

This year's challenges tested our discipline, determination, ethics, and more. These unprecedented times undoubtedly challenged us and shaped us into engaged learners. Yet, our passion for this conference never ceased; on the contrary, it made us more eager to provide the best experience possible. If there is one thing we can all learn from this year, then it is that we should never give up, and if there is one thing that should be taken away from this conference, it is that in unity, there lies power.

Senior School and Sixth Form students also participated in the event as staff members, as either part of the media team or runners. Runners played a central role in ensuring delegates and chairs felt comfortable and the committees ran smoothly. The media team was responsible for taking the wonderful photos you see on this article and website, helping document the unforgettable memories of CamMUN 2022.

After lengthy, difficult discussions, delegates and chairs enjoyed themselves at the CamMUN Social Event at Murray Edwards College, where they danced and made new friendships and international connections.

Our conference came to an end with an award ceremony, to thank and congratulate everyone for their hard work, and acknowledge outstanding delegates from each committee. We also had fun awards such as best dancer at the social.

The CamMUN 2022 Secretariat would like to thank all delegates, chairs, staff members, and Ms Daniels for their hard work and dedication for CamMUN 2022, and taking the time to travel from far distances.

For more information about CamMUN 2022, as well as for future conferences, please visit, or follow us on our Instagram: @cambridgemun.