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Published on 16/06/20

Instrument teachers Mr Brennan and Mr Townend have brought together pupils from years 3-11 to create a virtual brass ensemble. 

The virtual ensemble was created so our pupils could once again play music together, something that  they have been missing since the start of lockdown and to showcase the amazing musical talent of our pupils across our schools.

Mr Townsend first recorded piano versions of the two tracks being performed in the ensemble,  Amazing Grace and Jupiter from The Planets by Gustav Holst, as well as a metronome. These were sent to the pupils who spent a couple of lessons using these to help practise their piece. The pupils were asked to record their piece whilst listening to the metronome, a click track that helps musicians keep to a certain rhythm. Mr Brennan said that this "is a particularly hard skill so we were really pushing our students (especially the younger ones - some who haven't been playing their instrument for long!) We knew they would rise to the challenge though, and they did!"

Wanting to bring a visual element to the ensemble, Mr Brennan contacted Rosedale House and Senior School art departments to see if their pupils could get involved by creating artwork that would fit the themes of the music, or artwork inspired by lockdown.

"It was an ideal opportunity to show how the arts really can bring everyone together in a time like this"

Mr Brennan

Once recording was complete, the tracks were put together and the artwork from pupils  were added to create this wonderful showcase of pupil talent.


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Tagged  Music  Art and Design